Our Priorities

Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention and Control

Preventing new species such as starry stonewort, hydrilla, and the spiny water flea from being introduced and controlling those species already in Lake Minnetonka is a priority of the Lake Minnetonka Association. We work closely with lake residents, businesses, and others to keep the new invasive species from being introduced into the lake and to control invasive Eurasian watermilfoil, curlyleaf pondweed, and flowering rush.


Advocacy & Education

The Lake Minnetonka Association listens carefully to you and uses what we hear to develop programs and to advocate for positive change. We strive to provide local, regional, and state agencies and policy makers the expertise and needed information to help them better serve the interests of Lake Minnetonka, its residents, and its users. We publish four newsletters each year and host educational workshops and tours for our members to learn about Lake Minnetonka history, lake science, and what they can do to help protect the quality and legacy of Lake Minnetonka.


Bay Treatment Program

The Lake Minnetonka Association is the project manager for the Bay Treatment Program, which has improved boating and recreation on Lake Minnetonka by keeping Eurasian watermilfoil and curlyleaf pondweed under control. Currently there are six bays in the program, Carsons/St. Louis, Crystal, Gideons, Grays, North Arm, and Phelps Bays and two which have formed “Lake Improvement Districts (LIDs),” Carmans and St. Albans Bays. Since it began, treatments have greatly exceeded the original goal of not more than 20% post-treatment occurrence of Eurasian watermilfoil and curlyleaf pondweed.



The Lake Minnetonka Association works closely with marinas, Hennepin County, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Minnetonka AIS Research Center, and the University of Minnesota, and others to help protect and manage Lake Minnetonka. We work with other lake associations statewide allowing us to extend the reach and strengthen the voice of lake residents and users statewide.


Lake Minnetonka Protection and Clean-up

The Lake Minnetonka Association partners with residents and businesses around Lake Minnetonka to keep Lake Minnetonka clean of garbage and waste left behind from careless boaters and lake users.