Bay Treatment Program
Over 10 years of data collection and review by independent aquatic plant experts and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MnDNR) show that the Lake Minnetonka Association’s Bay Treatment Program has met or exceeded its program expectations and that native plant diversity is rebounding. Further studies show the Lake Minnetonka Association’s Bay Treatment Program is the safest, most cost effective way to control invasive weeds.
Several bays participate in the Eurasian Watermilfoil and Curlyleaf Pondweed Bay Treatment Program. The Lake Minnetonka Association currently oversees treatments on: Browns Bay, Carsons Bay, Crystal Bay, Gideons Bay, Grays Bay, North Arm Bay, Phelps Bay, Smithtown Bay, Stubbs Bay, and St. Louis Bay. Treatments on St. Albans and Carmans Bay are managed by lake improvement districts created by lakeshore residents to pay for the treatments.
Bay treatments on Lake Minnetonka are successful because they are built on a foundation of good science, thoughtful project management, broad public support, and a strong partnership with researchers, aquatic plant experts, and the MnDNR. The success of this program is principally due to the work of our Bay Captains and the financial support of bay residents, businesses, and communities. Thanks to them and their efforts, a large part of Lake Minnetonka has been returned for boating and swimming and the ecological health of the lake is improving. Each person or organization who contributes their time or resources to this effort, are helping to restore the ecology and protect the legacy of beautiful Lake Minnetonka.
For information on how to enroll your bay in the Bay Treatment Program contact the Lake Minnetonka Association.