Become a Member

Your membership makes a difference. The Lake Minnetonka Association is a nonprofit organization made up of lakeshore owners and businesses, community partners and civic leaders who understand the importance of stewardship and who want to protect and preserve Lake Minnetonka’s beauty and legacy.

The Lake Minnetonka Association is completely member supported, so we rely on your contributions to protect Lake Minnetonka and advocate on behalf of its members.

Bay Treatment Program

Several bays are currently participating in the Eurasian Watermilfoil and Curlyleaf Pondweed Bay Treatment Program. The Lake Minnetonka Association serves as program manager for treatments on: Browns Bay, Carsons Bay, Crystal Bay, Gideons Bay, Grays Bay, Harrisons Bay, North Arm Bay, Phelps Bay, Smiths Bay, and St. Louis Bay.

Treatments on St. Albans and Carmans Bay are managed by lake improvement districts created by lakeshore residents to pay for the treatments.